Thursday 18 October 2007

a song for today

I haven't listened to 'Ys' by Joanna Newsom much this year. I listened to it virtually non-stop at the end of last year but I just haven't felt like listening to it much recently.

This makes me think that it may be an 'Autumn album'. It wouldn't be alone, I listen to the Innocence Mission almost exclusively in Autumn and Winter, they just don't make so much sense in the Summer. I remember walking to work in the snow last February listening to 'Birds of my Neighbourhood' and at that moment it felt like the greatest album ever.

Anyway, this morning something made me want to listen to 'Emily' on the aforementioned 'Ys'. Its funny how songs can sometimes just pop into your head like that.

So, I'm sitting here at work with one ear of my headphones in and listening to the most amazing music, which has nothing to do with my today or the place where I am but is raising my spirits all the same.

I think I'll be listening to this a lot for the rest of the year.

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