Saturday 28 June 2008

songs of the year so far

'Albums of the year' lists should only be produced in December when there has been time for records to sink in and 'mature'. Some records are Summer albums and some are perfect for Winter (such as most Innocence Mission albums), so there will be no decision made on an album of the year here until December and there will be no ' far' list. However, it seems perfectly fine to do a 'top 5 songs of the year so far' list so here are the five songs that have most pleased TracksandGigs this year. This is of course a personal selection and I would welcome any other picks, just leave a comment...

1. American Music Club 'Sleeping Beauty'

Every new AMC/Eitzel album seems to bring at least one brand new Mark Eitzel classic. 'The Golden Age' contains two or three, but best of all is 'Sleeping Beauty', a song on a par with classics like 'Western Sky' and 'Blue and Grey Shirt'. It takes a special songwriter to write a song this visual and vivid, so that it is impossible to listen to without a picture of the scene forming in your mind. The lyric is heartbreaking and the music fits the words perfectly, building in the right places and the "fly in a jar.." finish where the music builds to almost drown out Eitzel is brilliant. Just superb and the most perfect piece of music TracksandGigs has heard in 2008 so far.

2. Tindersticks 'Boobar'

There are some great songs on the new Tindersticks album but 'Boobar' is just about the best and one of the best things they have ever recorded. Written about searching for something that is lost, Stuart Staples sings this so well, Neil Fraser plays great guitar and is at last at the centre of the song after years of being drowned out by Dickon Hinchcliffe's violin and the Spector-ish call and response vocals are magical.

3. The Sleeping Years 'Macosquin, Coleraine'

It had been too long to wait for a new Dale Grundle record and 'We're Becoming Islands One By One' was worth the wait. This track is the highlight, like many on the album it is a song about home. A simple arrangement, acoustic guitar, handclaps and vocals and a beautiful song.

4. The Twilight Sad 'Some Things Last A Long Time'

The band who can currently do no wrong here recorded this Daniel Johnston cover for their new EP. Stripping the song right down makes James Gordon's vocal sound unbelievably powerful and raw. Powerful and haunting.

5. The Dodos 'Fools'

The Dodos album is a really enjoyable listen. Lots of strumming, harmonies and great percussion. This is the highlight and will probably be used on some advert or BBC intro by the end of the year. Catchy and exciting.

Here's to the second half of 2008 being as good as the first.

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