Sunday 1 February 2009

Single of the week...

No surprises here, single of the week is..

Fleet Foxes 'Mykonos'

Possibly their most commercial sounding song and absolutely essential for the "brother you don't need to turn me away.." part alone. Plenty of hooks and a great showcase for Robin Pecknold's amazing voice.

Was playing the lovely 7" version yesterday. The b side is a cover of a Steeleye Span song 'False Knight On The Road'. I admit to never having heard much of the veteran UK folksters but my girlfriend's mum and dad are huge fans and apparently this stripped down, mellow version of the song is way different to the original. Undeniably very nice though.

If you opt for the soul-free, disposable download version of the single, you get a live version of 'Tiger Mountain Peasant Song' which is so gentle and spine-tingling that T&G officially now CANNOT WAIT for the Fleet Foxes Roundhouse dates later this month. Best band in the world at the moment? Could well be.

Absolutely loads of stuff coming up in the next 2-3 Morrissey LP, new M Ward LP, J Tillman LP (that I already have but still need to listen to) and an Emmy The Great album (at last) those aforementioned Fleet Foxes gigs. Phew.

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