Tuesday 7 July 2009

Hope Sandoval returns!

Back in the early 90s, Mazzy Star were one of my favourite bands. It seems a bit strange actually to call them a band, since they consisted of David Roback's bluesy guitar sound and Hope Sandoval's dusky voice. They did produce some magic though and anyone who has ever heard Sandoval sing has been longing for some new material from her since a solitary solo album appeared in 2002.

Well, she's back! 'Hope Sandoval and The Warm Inventions' release an album 'Through The Devil Softly' in September and a single 'Blanchard' in August. TracksandGigs has heard 'Blanchard' and can confirm that it is a slow, sultry ballad with acoustic and slide guitar and sounds marvellous.

In other Sandoval news, this time which T&G finds a little harder to believe, Sandoval is planning a tour and Mazzy Star are putting the finishing touches to their long awaited fourth record. From experience, we'll believe both of those events when we see them...

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