Saturday 4 July 2009

The Low Anthem 'Oh My God, Charlie Darwin'

All bets may just be off.

I am sure I have enjoyed an album on first play more than this one, I must have, I just can't remember a particular occasion. Not for a long time at least.

A few more plays later and I am sure of it, this record is stunning. I need to find out more about who The Low Anthem actually are, but this supreme collection of dusty hymns, sparse sketches and exhuberant rockers is maybe the record of the year so least right up there with the Bill Callahan album.

I am totally floored by '(Don't) Tremble' in particular. A mix of acoustic guitar in one speaker and birdsong and water in the other, with a whispered vocal..

"If your pilot light should die
Do not quake and do not bark
You will find the spark

If your tree should bare no fruit
Do not turn and do not spill
You are beautiful"

It is haunting, effortless and comforting.

There is more, so much more, but I will save this for the full review, which will come soon. I have also just discovered that I have just missed them playing The Union Chapel....please please return to London!

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